We've produced over 100 million of these bags and are super-confident in their ability to do the job of protecting your goods! We also guarantee their quality.
A flat bag (i.e. no gusset, but some stretch) with a matt finish and printed graphics as per the image gallery.
Waterproof, tough & durable (tear resistant with some stretch)
Labels will stick to these bags* and the lighter colors can be written on with a permanent marker.
'Cut here to reuse' instructions are printed along the seal. Larger sizes have two seals to facilitate re-use.
Our Black Dirt Bags are completely opaque, all other colors are slightly transparent.
Seal with a fold-over flap and a peel-and-seal adhesive strip. Check the Sizing Guide as the bag thickness and number of seals vary by size.
Compostable packaging degrades over time, so we are only able to guarantee the performance and usability of these products for 6 months from date of purchase.
*We do extensive QA testing with our own labels and others, but can't guarantee that ALL labels will stick to these mailers.